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CHECK !! : PHP MySQL™ administration interface

1. Download phpmyadmin, the php MySQL™ administration interface

Official web site : http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/

Download : http://www.phpmyadmin.net/index.php?dl=3

Decompress the phpMyAdmin-2.5.0-php.zip to your web root directory: c:\www and you will have created a c:\www\phpMyAdmin-2.5.0 folder.

2. Connect to your phpmyadmin

Now, the start page of your phpmyadmin is: You will notice that you can login immediatelly because you MySQL™ default user and password have not been changed yet. However, this is absolutely no good for security. This tutorial will be teaching you how to change it, but before we do that, you will need to finish the setup. for phpmyadmin first

Edit config.inc.php by notepad or ultraedit.

Find $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ''; and replace with $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';
save this file and reload your web page. You will find that the error message is gone
, but the warning message for your root and password is still there. Therefore, we are going to change the default root password.

Click databases... and selcect mysql.

Click user table.

Click browse.

Click inert a new row; fill the necessary fields; remember your username and password. Since this action is to replace the default root account, we need to give it all the priviledges. Click go, to finish.

After the record is inserted, you can not use it immediatelly. You must reload your MySQL™ , Please reload this URL for '' within IE and you will find the place to reload MySQL™.

Now, make sure to reload MySQL before you test your account. Please edit config.inc.php with notepad or ultraedit.


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user

replace with

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = ''; // MySQL user

Save file and reload URL of ''. Input the username/password that you just created to login the admin panel. If this works, you can now delete all other default MySQL accounts for security reason.

3. Creating account for MySQL™ .

Giving the database root account for ODBC purpose may be a very dangerous move; therefore, you may create an account with access to the 'raiden' database ONLY.

As similar as the above instructions, click databases... ; selcect mysql; click user table; click insert.

Fill up the necessary fields. Please remember your username and password which are to be used for RaidenFTPD ODBC connection. Note that we don't give any priviledge here! The host is localhost. Username is decided by you, and yet, password must be encrypted by PASSWORD function.

The account is not read yet. Click databases...; selcect mysql ; click db table; click insert.

Assign the username that you just created for the raiden DB. Since the host is localhost , we will give it all priviledges here. Click Go to finish. Now, same as above, reload your MySQL.

Now, try to change the username password you set in ODBC driver (the u/p used to be root and empty.). Please type in the username and password you just created and click test.

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